How to empower your leadership?

By: Laura Salas, Reputation Advisor. 

Undoubtedly, one of the great challenges currently facing companies is to empower chameleon-like leaders, i.e., people with the ability to adapt to the needs and diverse ways of working of the generational groups that make up their organizations.

Although the challenge is great, the result can be extremely powerful because a company that manages to adapt to any circumstance, innovate and improve the performance of its employees, will enrich not only the work but also the professional and, above all, the personal development of those who are the reason for its success: its people.

But How do we manage to strengthen this leadership and achieve the versatility to adapt to the circumstances?

I highlight six key tips that John Maxwell -a writer, coach and international speaker- recommends to empower leadership:

  1. Truly valuing people: when we value those around us, we learn to believe in them and begin to generate influence, a vital aspect to be successful and develop the leadership that is in each one of us.
  2. Prioritize your life: Successful people are those who are able to prioritize their lives and what they have to do. We must start by prioritizing our gifts and strengths and leverage these to help others. When I discover what I do well and use it to help others I become a leader.
  3. Strengthen your inner self: definitely a good leader is authentic, that is why we must work on our inner self. Undoubtedly, this will allow us to remain humble in both success and failure without exaggerating our importance, without falling into arrogance and without becoming discouraged.
  4. Have a good attitude: the widest gap between successful and unsuccessful people is in the way they think.
  5. Believing in oneself: Instead of asking yourself can I? ask yourself how can I? because you have already determined in your mind that you are going to do it.
  6. Improve your life every day: To grow every day has to be intentional: you grow on purpose. Everything worthwhile is uphill. No one gets to the top by accident.

This process of becoming leaders never ends, that is why at CCK, a communications and strategic relations company, we believe in the importance of continuing to develop communication skills, because at the end of the day a good leader never stops having tests, failing, learning, improving and trying again.

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