Did you know that people consume at least 2h 30m daily on social networks (Statista, 2023). These platforms are a changing ecosystem largely driven by new digital habits that are emerging, and that will increasingly have a greater impact on the needs of companies, their strategies, relationship with their audiences and growth.

Today, they represent more than a means of communication and it is no longer optional to know them, they have evolved in such a way that they influence our social relationships and the business of companies. In this blog, we analyze the top 5 social media trends based on some global social media 2023 reports:

Tell me how they search for you and I will tell you who you are

In a world where social networks are search engines, hashtags are losing strength, and keywords are the key. SEO in posts has generated better performance in reach and interactions.

Users use social networks to research brands, products, services and information of interest to them. A good positioning and digital footprint in social networks should be part of any digital strategy.

The value of sincerity and the real

Users have developed antibodies to the consumption of 'unreal' content on social networks, where their preferences demand new rules when interacting. Micro-influencers,between 10,000 and 100,000 followers, offer the best combination of engagement and broad influence, permeated by a greater perception of sincerity and closeness

Turning the king around

Video content is still king, but the vertical format, which adapts to smartphone screens, has gained ground. This trend has been fueled by Facebook, which has added its Reels and YouTube with Shorts.

The new rules of the working world

LinkedIn, with more than 750 million users, has incorporated carousels and reactions, and users develop publications from a more human perspective, leaving aside the formal tone of the platform. It is no longer just about work, but a transition led by users and companies.

The future of e-commerce lies in social networks

Although shopping on social networks is a trend on the Asian continent, users in other countries are apprehensive. However, more and more users are becoming accustomed to understanding social networks as a shopping channel.

Have questions? we are happy to answer them all.

CCK, affiliated with Ketchum, is a regional agency specializing in communication and strategic relations, offering comprehensive support and advice on all your ideas.

To learn more about the main digital trends and how to integrate them into your organization, you can contact us and learn more about our services at

