Communication Studies

In this innovative research conducted by our Data Meaning unit, we want to understand in depth what audiences think and need goal of the brands.

Who do Central Americans believe? 2nd Edition (2019)

In its second edition, the study "Who Central Americans Believe" seeks to discover which institutions and people in different areas of public life Central Americans have the most trust and credibility in.

The Mobile Phone in Our Relationships (2018)

CCK, a leading communications and strategic relations company, developed a research study to learn about the habits of Central Americans in the use of cell phones and to evaluate their perception of the incidence of cell phones in interpersonal relationships.

Who do Central Americans believe (2017)?

A study conducted by CCK reveals which are the figures in different areas of public life that Central Americans trust the most, believe in what they say and enjoy a higher degree of acceptance.

Millennials in Central America (2015)

Los Millennials se han convertido en la generación que está transformando la economía (Forbes) Find out what we at CCK discovered about the job expectations and aspirations of this generation in our region.

You can also read about the evolution of public relations research

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Undoubtedly, the cell phone has become indispensable in our lives. In this documentary made by CCK, we asked several people to live a day without their cell phones. Find out what they felt.

