How to build loyal relationships with target audiences? Listen to them!

By Karina Solano Carvajal,

Project Manager CCK Centroamérica.

During the last decades, the most significant work of Public Relations firms focused on being the bridge between the media and the organizations, while the most daring ones also bet on lobbying with other audiences of interest.

Thanks to the evolution of the industry, more than ever, communication seeks to impact the business objectives of companies and brands, being a fundamental component the construction of relationships with an integral long-term vision.

We can now affirm that the true value of communication companies lies in generating results by knowing in depth what the target audiences of the brands think, want and feel. We do this through research tools that allow us to perform social listening - social listening - and media listening - media listening - of the conversations of segmented audiences and news content about keywords related to the brands and the industry they are in.

Once the target audience is understood, the next step is to get their attention, with estrategias a la medida, that allow us to win them over and, more importantly, never let them go. That is to say, to build consumer loyalty to the brand. This is the biggest challenge for companies dedicated to communication, but it is also the greatest differentiator when it is achieved.

Companies and organizations will always look for practical and efficient strategies, however, these will be successful only if we listen to their audiences, to achieve a connection of greater impact and responding to their needs at lightning speed.

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