There are several changes that companies have experienced during these months, in which we have worked in telework and hybrid mode, a combination of remote and face-to-face work. In this way, employees stopped seeing their colleagues, organizations filled their agendas with meetings and hallway meetings became video calls.
In terms of HR, many companies have seen the commitment of their employees, who have not felt accompanied or listened to, in jeopardy. Therefore, we have had to ensure the basic elements to keep our people connected and motivated and to guarantee optimal communication.
This is a huge challenge in our new reality. Without thinking much about it, a person decides to change jobs. not inspired? Change jobs. Feeling stagnant in your job? Change jobs - not being listened to? No development opportunities? Change jobs.
Against this backdrop and in order to overcome this reality, we present 7 keys to strengthen employee engagement.
- Helps employees achieve their professional goals.
You must be interested in knowing the professional goals of your people and direct them to achieve them. Sometimes we make the mistake of giving workshops or courses on general topics without consulting them and listening to their real needs and interests.
- Promotes from the inside, allows lateral moves.
One way to discourage employees, particularly those interested in growing within the company, is the habit of hiring people from outside the company. Among the many advantages of exploring and hiring internally is the fact that a person who is already part of our team is familiar with the corporate culture and has a close link to the company's mission, vision and values..
Another way are lateral moves that represent an opportunity to retain talent. Younger professionals are still figuring out their career paths, and older professionals may feel bored or burned out in their current positions. When someone on your team expresses interest in another position, help them design a career plan to prepare them for the role they want.. You will gain their trust and, in all likelihood, they will stay with the company instead of looking for growth opportunities at other companies.
- It offers mentoring, training and coaching.
Remember the accompaniment; you can offer weekly sessions of coaching to discuss strategies to help your team members perform better. You can mentor an employee who is struggling or showing signs of disconnect with work engagement.
- It allows contributors to tell their own stories.
Encourage them to tell their own stories about what they are doing to support the company and how each one fulfills the work commitment, remembering that the best ideas and initiatives can come from our people.
- Make them part of the important issues.
For whatever reason, companies tend to see many issues only among senior management. Offer them inside information. Keep them abreast of what's going on in the organization: management changes, challenging situations, current company accomplishments, how goals are going. They will feel respected, included and engaged.
- Encourage them to have fun.
Fun is the best antidote to stress.
Take half of a Friday to do something fun with your employees. Go bowling, get ice cream, go to the movies or play sports, take pictures and post them on a mural in your office.
What they do is not as important as doing something your team likes. Research their likes and interests and strive to get closer to them to better understand who they are.
- It seeks highly effective internal communication.
Internal communication is essential to generate a sense of belonging. When a company's employees feel that they are an important part of it and that the organization has a healthy corporate culture, they will show us that they are part of it. commitment and this, in turn, will result in a greater an excellent organizational climate.
Nowadays, it is understood that the main asset of any organization is its people, we must become experts in listening to them, because it is your collaborators who will best convey the message we want to communicate about our company.
Without communication, there is no organization, no action, no results and even less commitment from the members.
Which of these recommendations do you think will have the most impact on your employees?