Is our brand's Facebook accessible to everyone?

Is our brand's Facebook accessible to everyone?

By Tatiana Vigot, Content and Community Manager.

In a world where social networks are increasingly used as a means of communication, we must guarantee as communicators universal access to the content we generate in these networks. digital platforms.

Facebook has been updating to make more and more users able to interact with fewer barriers and thus be more accessible.

Are organizations using these tools?

While updates come and go, so change is constant, we must recognize that they exist and thus ensure that people with visual or hearing disabilities can access our content.

Beyond the aesthetics of the image and attractive copy, what efforts can we make as content generators to make our content more attractive? publications are accessible?

Here are some TIPS:

1) When you make a publication with an imageOnce published, you can go to the image options and change the alternative text (which is not the same as the image description or copy). Facebook generates a automatic text since 2016, but this aspect was improved in an update this year and is now allows you to edit it to make it more descriptive since the automatic text does not include details, which are essential to interpret the image in an easy and friendly way for screen readers.

2) If you post a photograph that contains people : it is best to tag them with your profile or place them in the alternative image description the caption: "From left to right are: Mario Rodriguez, Maria Zeledon, etc..."

3) When event information is published: it is advisable to place the contact information in the copy and not in the image to facilitate access and reading.

4) Publish a video: subtitles are recommended, both for the visually impaired and the hearing impaired.

These are some efforts that we can apply in our personal networks and in the networks of our companies to make them more accessible to everyone.

