Constantly, different situations arise in the country that focus the attention of the population, these can be political, economic, environmental, health, etc. Companies are forced to coexist with these realities, seeking the least possible impact on our operations.
Knowing the environment is one of the elements that gives us a competitive advantage, for them there are different tools that we can use from the more traditional ones such as watching the news and checking our networks in the morning, to being able to use monitoring and social listening tools that allow us a greater depth in the analysis of information.
In the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment in which we live, reality is constantly changing and if our organization is not aware of what is coming, the process of adapting to change may be totally out of time and generate negative impacts, in many cases irreversible.
What elements should we take into account for a good context analysis:
- Map of topics: What is being talked about? identify main trending topics and main hashtags used.
- Stakeholder map: Who are they talking to? Identifying their demographics, main interests, occupation, etc.
- Conversation statistics: Interactions, sentiment and reach that trending topics are having.
There are also different situations that companies must constantly monitor for their decision making.
Political situation: Our countries are constantly going through electoral periods, the whole campaign stage, the electoral and post-electoral processes are moments that should be closely monitored by organizations, in order to identify if their companies could be affected in any way in this context, as well as the proposals, campaign issues and changes that could arise.
Economic situation: Although it seems obvious that this context is of utmost importance, in many occasions organizations are completely unaware of the changes that the country is undergoing, in terms of taxes, country risk, ratings, investments, debt, etc. And they make decisions without taking into account these elements that may have an impact in the medium or long term.
Social situation: The social issues handled by public opinion are also very important, not only to know in which social areas our company may be involved, but also to have a context of the reality of our employees and their families.
Competition: Knowing what the competition is saying is an element to take into consideration, being able to identify the topics on which they are focusing, the media or channels in which they are communicating and the impact they are having, will allow to develop strategies that favor differentiation and obtain a leadership position.
Analysis of my brand and my communication: Many times we see the metrics and information from other channels and contexts, but we forget to monitor our own channels, people communicate with companies mainly through their media, whether digital or direct contact, listening first hand to our customers or consumers will allow us to have a better picture of what they demand from our company.
The review of the context must be constant and periodic. Access to this information allows us to maintain a consistent discourse with all our audiences and guides us in making important decisions for the organization.